Jungle Scout surveys thousands of sellers on what the biggest challenge is on selling products on Amazon. Genius Series is the video series to cover all the challenges.

In the video series, it covers product research, marketing, managing competition, or sourcing products and dealing with suppliers all in depth.

In this video, Jungle Scout covers 7 best practices in marketing.

  1. Deliver tons of value
  2. Stand out from the herd
  3. The mover advantage
  4. Double down on what works, and cut the rest
  5. Invade a niche then expand outwards
  6. Test lean
  7. You aren’t the big company… Yet

In addition, you will find Jungle Scount lays out the 4 phases of marketing on Amazon.

  • Branding and Researching
  • Market Products on Social Media
  • Post-Launch Phase
  • Post-Sale Phase

Click the video to watch the detail now.

Topics #Amazon #Genius Series #jungle scout #marketing #Social Media